Wikileaks, Ro & Super PACs

LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE: Wikileaks, Ro & Super PACs Ro Khanna repeatedly stresses that he will not take PAC money, and will work to reverse Citizens United or reduce its impact. Very Progressive Right? But what exactly is Ro's history with PACs? Californians for Innovation: Ro's Personal PAC During his campaign to unseat Mike Honda from CA-17, Ro Khanna himself relied on a PAC called Californians for Innovation . This was an independent Super PAC formed in support of Ro Khanna which helped him with almost $1.3 Million dollars in his primary fight against Mike Honda from 2014 to 2016. The Super PAC raised $790,000 for the 2014 campaign, and $506,381 for the 2016 campaign. The treasure for the Super PAC is Ash Chopra, a Wealth Manager with more than $3 Billion in assets, whose minimum new client size is $10 Million. More than half of the Super PACs expenditure was against Mike Honda. The contributors to the Super PAC included many Silicon Valley VCs ( 2014 , 201...