Ro: The Progressive Who Remains Silent

Ro Khanna has projected himself as the leader of the Progressive faction of the Democratic Party. He also joined the Congressional Pakistan Caucus in 2019, after meeting with Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan. While joining the Caucus he expressed interest to tackle terrorism, and protect women’s rights and human rights. What has shocked us is his complete silence on the rampant systemic and institutionalized abuse of religious and ethenic minorities in Pakistan, especially the women. And this silence continued even after 230 organizations hand-delivered a letter to him to consider his stance. In this post we will give examples of the kind of persecution Ro Khanna turns a blind eye too. Most of these events occurred in 2020; they are representative of continuous institutionalized persecution and abuse. Please click on the pictures to open the link to the news story. Note that some of the stories contain material which you may find disturbing. We have included screenshot...