About #RoMustGo

Why #RoMustGo

Our country has an integrity problem with its politicians. 

Ro has done enough in his brief political career to raise serious red flags. As people who enabled his rise we feel a moral obligation to let the world know about his darker side.

We are  Democrats & Independents, who have actively supported Ro Khanna’s campaigns to unseat Mike Honda in CA-17, with our time, money and connections. We are extremely disappointed at the U-Turns that he has taken on key issues like race based discrimination (ACA5/Prop-16).

Ro Khanna earned our support by representing himself as a moderate, issue based candidate who would champion the causes relevant to the Silicon Valley. 

In a Q&A arranged by SVCA he had affirmed his commitment to be issue based and not follow the party line (reproduced as listed)

Instead, he abandoned those who worked hard to elect him, for narrow political gains. 

9:01 PM
OQ9: You are against SCA5, but it is one of the core interest for DEM party. This means you are against the Dem party at this issue. How are you going to gain support from the party?
Ro Khanna 9:02 PM
I have had the courage to go against the party on this unlike Evan Low, Paul Fong, and Mike Honda who all equivocated. The question is whether we will have a Democrat who will reflect the values of this district with or just the party. I will be bold against SCA-5. End.
We are a grass-roots PAC, who feel that extremes of both the Right & the Left are unhealthy for the future of our great nation. We want to move our politics to the Center. We do not have any deep pocketed donors.

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